In many frameworks, information literacy skills are seen as part of a much broader set of skills: digital skills. Although information literacy also includes non-digital skills, it is evident that digital competence is an important part of the information literate student (Leaning, 2019).
Consequently, in many educational institutions in the Netherlands, skills education has now broadened to include digital skills. Following a previous project in which IL educational materials were shared, the Dutch IL working group has now taken the initiative for nationwide sharing of digital skills educational materials via the national Dutch search portal Edusources.
To create optimal support, the IL Working Group sought cooperation with six other national library working groups. This makes the project unique.
Such cooperation prevents many parties from doing the same thing through different platforms. Cooperation is also important in defining a common scope that has translated into a Digital Skills taxonomy. As a basis for that taxonomy, all major digital skills frameworks, such as DQ framework and Digcomp 2.2 (DQ Institute, 2019; Vuorikari, Kluzer, & Punie, 2022) were compared and analyzed. Based on that, a first draft was developed that became final after incorporating feedback from a broad spectrum of relevant working groups and stakeholders. That taxonomy will have a place in the edusources search portal to increase retrievability and thus promote reuse.
During this presentation we will briefly discuss the relationship between information literacy and digital literacy and you will get an idea of the different facets of sharing (DS) educational resources.
- DQ Institute. (2019). DQ (Digital Intelligence) Global Standard on Digital Literacy, Digital Skills and Digital Readiness. DQ Institute, Global. Retrieved from
- Leaning, M. (2019). An approach to digital literacy through the integration of media and information literacy. Media and Communication, 7(2), 4–13.
- Vuorikari, R., Kluzer, S., & Punie, Y. (2022). DigComp 2.2: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens – With new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes (EUR 31006 EN, JRC128415). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Harrie van der Meer1, Puck Wildschut2, Monique Schoutsen3
1University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands; 2Tilburg University, The Netherlands; 3Radboud University, The Netherlands