Introducing and Verifying the Model of Quality School Library (MQSL)

The Model of Quality School Library (MQSL) is a result of multiphase applicative research (Vilar & Zabukovec, 2022). According to many authors (e.g. Todd & Kuhlthau 2005; Todd, 2012; Vilar & Stričević 2014; Vilar & Zabukovec 2016, 2020, 2022), quality school libraries (SL) are one of fundamental prerequisites for systematic development of information literacy (IL) skills that are essential in our information society. SL have important tasks in formal education and are the only libraries to be potentially visited by everyone. While, according to Slovenian legislation, SL, including formally educated librarians (L), are a compulsory part of formal pre-school, primary and secondary education, the legislation lacks addressing the foundations for professional development and work. The formation of MQSL (the 1st part of this paper), started with a draft model (Vilar & Zabukovec, 2020), that was tested using various methods, to form the MQSL. It consists of 3 interdependent layers: Basic Conditions (work conditions, L, development strategy); Quality Traits (interactive, accessible, integrated); and Outcomes (important and popular, effective) – presented in detail in Vilar & Zabukovec (2022). With MQSL, as shown in the 2nd part of the paper, we offer SL an empirically verified theoretical base for use in practice. It is useful in preparation of strategic foundations, such as a national SL development strategy, standards, and guidelines; normative acts, and in everyday work. It offers SL a foundation for firmly establishing themselves as invaluable integrated educational partners in building information literate users, since findings indicate: 1) IL skills of Slovenian pupils, and even teachers, often need strengthening; and 2) the position of the Slovenian SL should be strengthened, too, especially due to formal/systemic restraints and competence-related obstacles, often resulting in poor approaches and solutions. Both findings are tightly linked with all 3 layers of MQSL. Users’ IL skills (shown through the ‘Effective’ element of the Outcomes layer) can only be systematically and wholistically developed with firstly providing SL with adequate Basic Conditions (layer 1 in MQSL). This assures all elements of the Quality Traits layer and the perception of importance and popularity of the SL in all educational partners. We started pilot MQSL verification and validation, also reported in this paper. In December 2022 we interviewed 9 experienced school L on 3 topics: 1) Their opinions on MQSL in light of their experience: a) How does it function in practice?; b) Which additions or changes would it need?; 2) The functioning of MQSL or its particular segments: The L were asked to give examples from their practice; 3) Operationalizing MQSL into professional recommendations and official requirements: We asked the L how to use the pilot findings to plan nationwide verification of MQSL. Initial analyses indicate that MQSL points out important areas for quality work and the development of SL. Areas in need of further development include competences, assessment, strategic planning, organization, proactivity, and training. In order to firmly act as proactive and systemically integrated agents of IL development, Slovenian SL must be provided with professional standards, regulated work norms, their own financial resources, and training. We plan to enhance this pilot study with a larger sample and to give the findings wider validity by addressing these topics in more detail.


  • Todd, R. (2012). School libraries as pedagogical centers. SCAN, 31(3), 27–36. Retrieved January 21, 2023 from
  • Todd, R., & Kuhlthau, C. (2005). Student learning through Ohio school libraries, Part 1: How effective school libraries help students. School Libraries Worldwide, 11(1), 89–110.
  • Vılar, P., & Strıčevıć, I. (2014). Quality school library – how do we find out? In Libraries in the digital age (LIDA): proceedings. Assesing libraries and library users and use: Zadar, Croatia, [16–20. 6.] 2014. University of Zadar. Retrieved December 1, 2022 from
  • Vılar, P., & Zabukovec, V. (2016). Information literacy and reading literacy competences cannot develop without good school libraries. In S. Špiranec et al. (Eds.), The Fourth European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL): Abstracts, October 10-13, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic (p. 173). Prague: Association of Libraries of Czech Universities.
  • Vilar, P., & Zabukovec, V. (2020). Vloga šolske knjižnice pri razvoju gradnikov bralne pismenosti. In D. Haramija (Ed.), Gradniki bralne pismenosti: teoretična izhodišča. (pp. 283–303). Univerza v Mariboru. Retrieved December 1, 2022 from
  • Vilar, P., & Zabukovec, V. (2022). Model kakovostne šolske knjižnice: Zasnova in uresničevanje v praksi. In T. Krapše et al. (Eds.), Pogledi na šolo 21. stoletja (pp. 222–253). Ljubljana: ZRSŠ. Retrieved December 1, 2022 from

Polona Vilar
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

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