Сomparative Studies of the Educational Opportunities of Professional Pages on the Facebook Network

Recently, the global information and educational space has been constantly and intensively enriched with new phenomena and forms of their presentation that needs to be comprehended and analyzed. Over the past few months the authors of the article have chosen a specific segment of Facebook network and have tracked a small part of this global phenomenon. In our first publication we pre sented a content analysis of individual information and educational Facebook Pages. That study aroused public interest, prompting us to conduct a comparative analysisof related objects and phenomena. It should be noted that all educational pages on Facebook are professionally oriented and serve to develop the professional and medical competence of the interested educational community.

We attempted to compare thematic pages created or moderated by authors by means of content analysis. We give for comparison the statistical data of two author multi-thematic FB-pages.

“Медіашкола професора Ганни Онкович”, “Media School of Professor Ganna Onkovych” had 2,000 registered participants, URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/898909013519964/about). Освіта за спеціальністю “Нафтогазова інженерія та технології”, Education by profession “Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology”, had registered 1,200 participants (URL: https:// www.facebook.com/groups/145315129579851/about). They are led by professors G.V. Onkovych from the department of Ukrainian and Latin languages of Kyiv Medical University, where a special course “Professional-oriented media education” is offered , and V.S. Beletsky, professor of the department “Oil, Gas and Condensate Extraction” of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Every page has associated statistics, that are automatically updated continuously. A comparative analysis of Facebook informational and educational pages provides opportunities for obtaining versatile information that can be useful in the processes of monitoring and regulating information flows and in particular, professional information.

Biletsky Volodymyr1, Hanna Onkovуch2, Onkovуch Artem3
1Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine; 2Kyiv Medical University, Ukraine; 3Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine

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