Culture du droit d'auteur dans les bibliothèques, les archives et les musées finlandais

Copyright literacy in Finnish libraries, archives, and museums was studied by a web survey as part of a multinational research. The study focused on the awareness concerning national and international copyright legislation and institutions, regulations concerning different aspects of copyright, and sources of copyright information that the respondents would use. 156 completed questionnaires were returned, […]

Culture du droit d'auteur dans les bibliothèques, les archives et les musées finlandais Lire la suite »

Culture du droit d'auteur au Royaume-Uni : une enquête auprès des bibliothécaires et d'autres professionnels du secteur du patrimoine culturel

Based on a survey of UK library and information professionals and those who work in the cultural heritage sector, carried out in December 2014, this research sought to examine the levels of copyright ‘literacy’. The survey aimed to obtain responses from all sectors, however most responses were received from academic libraries. The research examined their

Culture du droit d'auteur au Royaume-Uni : une enquête auprès des bibliothécaires et d'autres professionnels du secteur du patrimoine culturel Lire la suite »

Préférences et comportements des étudiants en matière de format de lecture académique

This study of undergraduates’ academic reading format preferences and behaviors asks the questions: What are undergraduates’ format preferences when engaging with their academic readings, electronic or print? What factors impact their preferences and behaviors? How do these factors influence their actions? Almost 400 students at the University of California, Los Angeles completed the online Academic

Préférences et comportements des étudiants en matière de format de lecture académique Lire la suite »

Culture du droit d'auteur des bibliothécaires en France

This paper aims to produce comprehensive knowledge in the copyright literacy of French librarians. To achieve this objective a web based survey has been conducted. Results show that French librarians have a lack of competence in copyright issues and especially at the international level. This weakness is more pronounced among librarians in public libraries and

Culture du droit d'auteur des bibliothécaires en France Lire la suite »

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